Janelle Ison
Chief Operating Officer
Janelle Ison, MBA, has devoted her professional and personal life to making a positive difference in the lives of children and families. From 2007-2016, she worked for the National Council For Adoption (NCFA), an advocacy and education organization with the mission to meet the diverse needs of all those touched by adoption. From 2009-2016, she served as NCFA’s Finance and Administration Director responsible for: accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial reporting, operations, compliance, and human resources. Prior to this role, she served as Program Manager for the federally funded Infant Adoption Training Initiative, a program designed to educate and enable healthcare providers to offer adoption information and referral on an equal basis with all other options to someone facing an unintended pregnancy.
In addition to her professional commitment, Janelle has been personally involved in local and national child and family advocacy efforts. As an adopted individual and birth mother, Janelle openly shares her unique adoption story with others. She has been interviewed by the media, on radio, and for various video series, including a four-part documentary on open adoption. Janelle has spoken on several adoption panels and participated in support groups for both teen parents exploring the option of adoption and couples considering adoption.