Rebecca Vahle
Founder & Executive Director
Rebecca Vahle, MA, founded the Family to Family Support Network® (FFSN), as a pro-education, non-profit organization in 2015. FFSN’s roots began in 2004, however, during her time as the Adoption Liaison for the Family to Family Adoption Support Network® Program at Parker Adventist Hospital in Parker, Colorado. The program, created by Rebecca, was the first hospital-based adoption support program in the nation and has been recognized as defining best practice in handling the complex, emotional and logistical needs present in infant adoptions in the hospital setting.
Following nationwide interest in the program, Rebecca created FFSN to be able to implement the program in hospitals across the country. While piloting the program, FFSN determined that in addition to serving the adoption community, the model could also be used to better serve other “unique families” such as those struggling with domestic violence, sexual assault, substance use, etc. As a result, the Unique Families Program® was created. Rebecca has a Masters Degree in Education, was a parenting instructor with Centura Health for the past 17 years, and is the mother to 3 amazing kids who came home through infant adoption.
Rebecca was named the Angels in Adoption® Award winner for the state of Colorado and was honored in Washington D.C. by U.S. Congressman Mike Coffman of Colorado in 2011. She also was the host of the weekly radio show “Adoption Perspectives” on Denver’s 670KLTT from 2010 to 2015.